No electricity: the cliffhanger

So when we got back from our sail yesterday, I plugged in the shore power because I had a full fridge and needed to keep it cool. But lo-and-behold: it didn’t work. Again. WTF!

I bypass the new fuse system, and still doesn’t work. By this time it’s getting dark and I was hungry and frustrated. By now I have learned my lesson and I kept the fridge on the topped up battery and went back to the club for some dinner.

This morning I applied Occam’s Razor to my problem and I come to the conclusion that it must be the plugs on the shore cable that cause the issue. Look what I found:

You eediot!

No wonder nothing was working. Why did I approach the problem from a software engineering perspective where you know the problem is in the most complex system. But here it’s mostly mechanical stuff and there was too much tension on the cable the way I had put it together back in Scotland 3 years ago. But look what vaseline on the copper does for you: it looks like new! So I checked the plugs on both ends, cleaned and greased them. Put the fuse system back in, and everything is fine. So, I didn’t have to replace that system at all (but at least this one is IP67 rated and not IP55 so it will survive a flooded boat. 😏

Conclusion: I am an eediot, man!