DMR hotspot on VHF

A couple of months ago I bought a DMR hotspot with the assumption that it was able to work on the VHF band (since I’m not allowed to work on UHF on my boat). But it didn’t do it! So, even though supposedly the MMDVM board would support it, it was minuscule SMD soldering so I gave up to fix it.

Luckily I was able to get a dual-band system but it would not fit the case of the Raspberry Pi Zero. That computer was also rather underpowered and so I have upgraded to a Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+ at the same shop. It also has more full-size USB ports so I can connect it to other equipment much easier.

It is working fine:

DVMega board in action

And on a legal frequency:

pi-star screenshot

You can see I was chatting with Jan, PA3CJP in the Dutch Brandmeister Talk Group 204.