Moving away from WhatsApp

Have you noticed this confusing screen on your WhatsApp?

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You’re not the only one! What’s going on?

I have been wanting to move away from WhatsApp for quite some time but unfortunately it is still taking first-mover advantage so people think that it’s the only game in town. And thanks to the EU we did get a bit of leeway with the dirty “grabbing them by their data” attitude of Facebook. However, they are going to try again and this time there is no opting out other than getting out, see this article in The Register. So before the of the month I will get out.

Of course I would love to stay in touch with you and I wholly recommend Signal as a better open-source and properly security vetted alternative. Follow the EU Commission and even Elon Musk who are all recommending Signal. I hope to find you there!

Check out this Tweet to see how easy it is to switch your group from WhatsApp to Signal.

Follow the Sun

Today I received my signed copy of the book that I helped edit and type-set: Follow the Sun — how to rebel scientists solved Covid-19.

“How do I happen to do something like that,” I hear you ask? Well, I’m glad you asked!

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away...

False start. But when I was much, much younger (but just as stupid as I am now) I was the editor-in-chief of a magazine of the computer club S.T.A.C.K. at the TU Eindhoven. There was a porter working there who taught me a lot about the art of type-setting and I have always had a soft spot for doing this work. So when my dear friend Melanie O'Reilly asked me if I could help her out with this project she took on (in my spare time), I gladly agreed. It was a bit more work than expected but the result made everyone involved very happy. Even the printer and publisher gave positive feedback!

This is the front cover I designed, based on a photo I took in Malta in 2009:

Front cover

And the main author signed my copy in Irish:

Signed copy

Happy Gerard morning!

Another beautiful morning in Dublin. I had to bring my bicycle back for repairs for the third time. They can’t seem to get the gear wiring tension right. Anyway, I know a lovely place on the Liffey were they bake fresh granola muffins in the morning and the cinnamon wafts around it.

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